Friday, January 22, 2010

Violence to eat food with care, "delicious syndrome"

Who knows when to start, corruption has become a synonym for a fancy meal in the forum can often be seen drying all hair types of corruption and paste, recommend a variety of food. Baicao is also a favorite food of the people, every day one way to travel first thought was tasting snack or characteristics of the local dishes, the former a while to see all the recommended restaurants in Beijing Office Heart of the good while, intend to find time to pick interesting to taste it. However, eating too much food can cause various diseases, "delicious syndrome" is a classic.

Delicious syndrome
Chinese New Year, some people can frequently be seen drinking half an hour to an hour or so, suddenly appeared Touyunnaozhang, exophthalmos, upper limb numbness, lower jaw trembling, palpitation asthma, tachycardia, accelerated pulse, shortness of breath, blood pressure increased and a series of symptoms to the hospital. In recent years, nutritionists and medical experts to study that this is a special kind of modern "diseases of civilization" because eating too much delicious food caused by the "delicious syndrome." A large number of clinical statistical data show that with the improvement of people's living standards, increased incidence of the disease each year.

American College of Medical experts Herman test unnecessary risks for patients through more than 1,000 clinical statistical analysis and physical and chemical test results proved that the patient ingestion of chicken, duck, fish, meat and other delicious foods, bran is rich in sodium, It is the main component of MSG, can greatly stimulate the people's taste, into the human body can be decomposed into glutamic acid and tyrosine, etc., under the action of bacteria in the intestine, conversion of toxic and harmful substances, with the blood flow to reach the brain After the large nerve cells interfere with normal metabolism, so that physiological functions occurring disorders, leading to the above series of symptoms appear. Clinical practice has shown that eating more of these delicious foods, the patient's symptoms more severe. If the first intake of bran reached a total of 5 grams of sodium, there was mild symptoms; if the total amount of an intake of more than 30 grams, they can occur with severe symptoms.

Prevention festival "delicious syndrome" The key is to prevent overeating. Taste of the delicious food should be the main, one should not eat too much, fullness, to prevent the increase in gastrointestinal burden, induced by acute gastroenteritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other diseases. Second, when cooking dishes, may from time to increase or less MSG, to prevent excessive sodium bran, so that symptoms get worse; would also like to eat more rich in fiber, vitamins, fresh vegetables, fruits, in order to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, speed up the body excretion of toxic substances in the process. Once the above-mentioned symptoms, do not have to panic, those who break the light is good, timely medical treatment symptoms of weight.

In addition to food syndrome, there are a variety of diseases caused by food:
Tea drunk syndrome

The new tea market, some people plan a fresh, competing Changxin realize that many people drink tea, will arise after the new body temperature, dizziness, insomnia, brain up vertigo, limb weakness, stomach pain, abdominal distention, constipation, and a series of symptoms, experts say This is the tea drunk syndrome. Because of the new tea caffeine, active alkaloids and a variety of high content of aromatic substances, they are easy to make people nervous system stimulant, for neurasthenia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease were very unfavorable. In addition, the new tea without the oxidation of polyphenol content is also very high, aldehyde and alcohol substances are more, these substances on the gastrointestinal mucosa have a strong stimulus to poor gastrointestinal function, especially chronic patients with gastrointestinal inflammation caused by Zhongwan easy to drink new tea abdominal pain, fullness, constipation, Kouzao throat and other symptoms. Way to prevent the disease are: to buy back after the new tea drinking is not immediately worried, but no more drinking, it is better first of its storage is for some time. In the tea polyphenols, aldehydes, alcohols, or oxidation of the material out to play a part, caffeine, alkaloids or aromatic substances activity is reduced, it is safer to drink up, more healthy.

Late-night syndrome

With the rise of urban nightlife, inviting guests to eat the phenomenon of an increase in "late-night syndrome" people are quietly being hit, the main performance is the increasing amount of late-night, meal time lengthen resulting in insomnia, do not think of eating breakfast, the body gradually gain weight and other conditions. The course of time will lead to many diseases.

In general, the number of normal meals, meal time was relatively stable, while "late-night syndrome" in patients with eating broken clock rhythm, especially in restaurants to eat in a restaurant, a meal the amount of increase, not only in patients prone to gain weight , but also brought a variety of disease risks. The reason is: the body's many functions by the nerve control, gastrointestinal function is no exception, because of the advantages of sympathetic nerve activity during the day, so digestion and absorption of gastrointestinal function is weak. The more insulin secretion at night, even if the same amount of eating, late-night were digested more completely, more synthesis of neutral fat, so easy to gain weight and cause digestive and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the evening eating with "Cuchadanfan" as well, eating and drinking, Food & Wine and tea, to the city's health care is not beneficial.

Features snack Syndrome

Now our restaurants and hotels in many cities where some local flavor snacks, such as "Health and mixed with shrimp," "Health and mixed with pork", the southwest area of "health-chip pot," Yunnan "bridge noodle" Fujian "The Sand tea noodles, "and so has become a feast on the" cuisine "in restaurants in many cities is also often seen. These features are the snack piece of raw pork in a little hot in the soup, after dipping to eat noodles, rice noodles and condiments, or Ban Zhao. Ingestion of raw meat hygiene mix, pork and immature of shabu beef, shabu pork infected with cysticerci can be suffering from cestodiasis. Tapeworm parasites is manifested mainly in the small intestine where digestive symptoms. Taeniasis (especially pigs taeniasis) shall timely treatment, or pork tapeworm eggs can be nurtured in a Oncosphere larva, the latter with the blood flow to the全身各器官cause cysticercosis. Taeniasis cysticercosis is much more serious than the pig can be induced in patients with blindness, epilepsy and even death. Therefore, the meat must eat safe meat, must be thoroughly cooked before eating.

Travel Diarrhea Syndrome

It is now increasingly will handle the work and leisure relationship. In the weekends or holidays, people are always clustering travel 35, to breath the fresh air of nature, what stretch taut nerves, it is very pleasant. However, from the rim Giardia lamblia caterpillars (referred to as Giardia)-induced diarrhea in travelers in the higher prevalence, it is called "travel diarrhea" syndrome. Giardiasis is widely popular in China's cities, the crowd infection rate of 3.3% in Beijing, Shanghai, 6.0%, 12.5% in Shenyang, some cities as high as 20%.

Vulnerable people travel Giardia infection Giardia The most common symptoms are diarrhea, abdominal pain, patients often have been due to ingestion of Giardia cysts infected with contaminated food. Giardiasis patients a day and night can be discharged from the feces of hundreds of millions of cysts, with a strong force of pollution. Cysts can survive in water for 4 days, in the flies can survive for 12 days inside the digestive tract, it flies, cockroaches and contaminated water are the media. Travel, the traveler must pay attention to food hygiene and do their own protection, the event of diarrhea, we must guard against the possibility of giardiasis can be diagnosed stool tests.

Alcohol syndrome

Harmful to health because of alcohol has become well known, and now many of the "wine gentleman" began to stop drinking alcohol on the human body in order to avoid the poisoning. However, some long-term heavy drinking, such as people suddenly stop drinking, may occur within two or three days all the symptoms, light arms and legs were trembling, excitement, insomnia, palpitation, heart rate, do not think of eating, lethargy, irritability, retching, etc. , In severe cases, seizures can occur hallucinations, delusions and other neuropsychiatric symptoms. These symptoms medicine known as "abstinence syndrome." Its formation was mainly due to large quantities of alcohol, causing physical dependence on alcohol produced, once to stop drinking, the body can not immediately adapt to the above-mentioned symptom occurs. Therefore, the long-term drinking alcohol, especially large amount of people, if you want to quit drinking or due to illness and other reasons to stop drinking, they should guard against the occurrence of abstinence syndrome during this period should try to avoid factors that trigger the syndrome , such as eating spicy foods such as irritation, drinking tea, coffee and other excitable brain food, physical exertion, mental stress and so on. Alcohol should go through a stage of gradual reduction, and finally completely stopped drinking. Therefore, the alcohol does not act with undue haste, in order to avoid "abstinence syndrome."

Fast-food syndrome

As the fast foods are convenient, fast, time-saving, economic advantages, has become a vast number of consumers the ideal diet. However, a long time to eat fast food, such as instant noodles, lunch, ham, canned food will cause malnutrition, dizziness, iron deficiency anemia, oral ulcers, anorexia, nausea and vomiting and a series of symptoms, the experts call it " fast-food syndrome. " The reason one nutrient is not comprehensive, convenient food is the main component of carbohydrate, not fully equipped proteins, fats, minerals and other nutrients essential to human beings, the nutritionist survey confirmed that the long-term eating convenience foods, 60 % of the population were undernourished, 54% of people suffering from iron deficiency anemia, 23% of people suffering from riboflavin deficiency, 16% of zinc deficiency; Second, some convenience foods despite sealed packaging, but not entirely related to air isolation, the porous plastic film is still a certain degree of permeability, air and pathogenic micro-organisms can enter the bag from the porous, so that convenience foods, degradation, causing diarrhea, cancer and other diseases; third, instant noodles in the oil in general have joined the anti - oxidants, but it is only slow down the oxidation rate of food, delay rancidity time, and can not be completely effective in preventing rancidity; with oil after the food rancidity destroy nutrients, resulting in lipid peroxide, excess lipid peroxide into the human body right the body's important enzyme systems have some damaging effects, will lead to premature aging or diseased person.

Pot syndrome

Nowadays, whether in cities or small towns, everywhere can see all kinds of hot pot restaurants or hot pot restaurants, and businesses are very prosperous. Hot pot with its delicious taste and unique taste more and more people's favorite, but some people eat hot pot in the 23 days, often occur, such as sore throat, gingival swelling, pain, tongue, mouth ulcers or bleeding, lips herpes, abdominal distension and pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and even gastrointestinal bleeding and other symptoms. Medical experts have called "pot syndrome."

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