Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jie Mi human "failure" of the nine signals

Busy with her work, frequent entertaining makes a modern city whole body is sick, and now we look at the body of the nine fault signal:


In addition to sprain or lumbar injury, back pain may also be inflammation of the bladder symptoms of inflammation or accessories, or if the back pain, should promptly go to the hospital blood tests, urine tests, if necessary, but also to the hospital for cystoscopy. Back pain should pay attention to drink plenty of water during the period, bogey spicy, foods containing spices, it is best to conduct anti-inflammatory and physical therapy treatment.

In addition, pumpkin oil or sandalwood oil baths are also beneficial to the improvement of back pain.


Are you a recent bit of trivia is always because of the crying, if you are usually not a crying person, then would need to check the thyroid, central nervous system most sensitive to thyroid hormone imbalance. The initial symptoms are easily agitated, irritability, crying, insomnia, appetite was good but wasting away, women can also cause menstrual disorders.


Dizziness symptoms should first check the blood pressure are normal. Of any age who are likely to suffer from low blood pressure, women 35-40 years of age susceptible to high blood pressure, adjusting eating habits is the first step in routine health care. In addition, some should be more useful in sports such as swimming, jogging and so on.

Eyes swollen and black eye

Swollen eyes, there is likely to be a long-term black eye fatigue results. If you frequent edema and check on the kidney of the. According to statistics, the probability of women suffering from kidney stones is 1.5 times that of men.


If the period of time sweating more than usual, probably caused by a blood vessel Autonomic misplaced. If the common sedative does not work, we should consider going to hospital.

Leg swelling

Often swollen legs, and sometimes no perception, which is chronic venous failure symptoms. It is recommended to eat raw vegetables, they contain fiber vein wall can be reinforced. Legs several times a day to do rhythmic gymnastics, and prevent leg swelling.

Hands and feet cramps

Regular hands and feet cramps, possibly because of the lack of body calcium and vitamin D, these two elements determines the hardness of bone and muscle contraction. Therefore, in peacetime should eat more dairy products, liver, seafood.

Always thirsty Xiangshangcesuo

Often feel thirsty, and weight loss occurs, always Xiangshangcesuo, these symptoms somewhat like diabetes, it is necessary to do blood glucose testing. If the test results to normal, but also should pay attention to eat and even eat sweets and greasy food.

A large number of hair loss

Women more likely than men suffer from hair loss dispersion. A large number of causes of hair shedding may be due to psychological pressure, did not cure the infection or incorrect diet walls have may also be caused by certain diseases or congenital diseases, sebaceous glands secrete too much or the nature of change in sebaceous gland secretion may cause hair loss

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