Friday, January 29, 2010

Menstruating women, why do not sing

Women's voice pitch generally higher than men, this is a manifestation of female secondary sex characteristics. It, like menstruation, but also the regulation of sex hormones by the body. Women's menstrual period, as the body changes in sex hormone levels, causing vocal cord capillary congestion, blood vessel wall becomes fragile than usual, when vocal cords, such as fatigue, or excessive exercise throat, vocal cords broken capillaries on the prone, resulting in vocal cord hemorrhage and a hoarse voice, singing naturally would not be so pleasant a crisp. Clinically, patients with vocal cord hemorrhage, women significantly more than men, largely on here.
Health Knowledge: menstruating women, why do not sing

But there are also sound effects during periods of individual young people rather better than usual, which is why? Such exceptional circumstances is actually an illusion. This is everyone's vocal cords are often had its own shortcomings, such as the vocal cords are not tight and so close. During the menstrual congestion, edema, contrary to the original defect has been filled, seemed sound better than usual. However, this anomaly is a short-lived, if not pay attention while using Voice over, right vocal cord will cause harm.

Therefore, young women especially female students, if you want to always maintain the beautiful songs, in addition to learn to use sound scientific methods, a very important one is the menstrual period, menstrual cramps, especially in the eve and the first two days, can not be over - with the voice, singing, it will not take too long, avoid forced to sing treble

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