Thursday, February 4, 2010

Women's Health, 8 of the most taboo thing in mind

Has a healthy body is the human capital, particularly women's health should not be ignored, because women's bodies are generally poorer than men, this is an issue that people understand, but to maintain a healthy body is necessary to understand women's health knowledge, to keep Women's Health, 8 of the most taboo things in mind, as follows:

  1, bogey tea too thick.Most professional women have the habit of tea, tea could eliminate fatigue, Xingnao refreshing, improve work efficiency. While many of the benefits of tea, but there are disadvantages too theophylline, tea is an effective stimulant of gastric acid secretion, and long-term excessive gastric acid secretion is an important pathogenic factor in gastric ulcer, therefore, should be added tea a small amount of milk, sugar, in order to maintain or reduce gastric mucosa from gastric acid stimulation.

 2, Ji smoking break up the monotony.At present, many women smoking cigarettes as a stylish, in fact, smoking 100 harm than good, the dangers of tobacco on women's health is particularly acute. According to the statistics: the rate of smoking women with heart disease 10 times higher than normal, so that early menopause 1 to 3 years, pregnant women smoke produced by deformed children are non-smokers 2.5 times more young women smoking inhibit facial blood circulation, speed up the appearance of aging.

  3, bogey Jiejiuxiaochou.Professional women at work will always encounter some setbacks and combat, some people tend to Jiejiuxiaochou, or to drink alcohol as a modern lifestyle in a fashionable act. That time, Jiejiuxiaochou worry even more unhappy. Zhigu bitter drink, focusing instead on the results of large amounts of alcohol enter the body, first of all damage the nervous system, which is very dangerous.

 4, bogey between jobs.Exposure to a wide range of career women, will encounter a wide variety of men, many of them outstanding in the absence of good moral training, affair arise from this, the results tend to range from family estrangement, while in a divorce. A career woman trouble more than a year because of an extramarital affair, divorce finally got his wish, but afterwards she said: "Either way divorced, have been stripped as a layer of skin." Sociologist conducted a survey in Japan: divorced women and family well-being of those compared to the former's shortened life expectancy five years. While the husband and wife in daily life, if often quarrel, discord, a grudge and refused to give ground, it will lead to the endocrine system disorders, visceral organ dysfunction, patients suffering from various physical and mental illnesses, resulting in premature aging and shorten life expectancy. Remember: loyalty to a happy marriage is the best recipe for health and beauty.

  5, bogey overloaded with work.With increasing competition, the modern career women increasingly intense pace of work, mental easily lead to great pressure, mental and physical overload on the state of health is very negative. If you do not pay attention to rest and conditioning, central nervous system would remain in a state of tension will cause extreme psychological reaction to the passage of time can lead to enhanced sympathetic excitement, endocrine disorders, resulting in a variety of physical and mental illnesses. Therefore, professional women should pay attention to ease the psychological tension, so that work and rest, relaxation are measured, reasonable arrangements for work, study and life, adhere to physical exercise.

  6, bogey sad depression.Life's troubles are bound to be trouble down on the hearts of sorrow is obviously wrong in a bad mood should learn to psychological adjustment, try to think of ways to vent or transfer, such as looking for friends to chat, a spit faster, or indulge landscape, saturated in relation to fine mountains and rivers, so open-minded, love life.

 7, blind bogey to lose weight.Amy's heart, in everyone, especially professional women, many people trying so hard to lose your excess body fat, slimming teas, meals and other dazzling variety of weight-loss measures. Those who want to lose weight fast results, desperately dieting, the result is weight loss, and the body has collapsed.

 8, bogey heavy make-up.Professional women as a result of the need for their proper make-up is necessary, but avoid heavy make-up because the current sale of cosmetics on the market, no matter how high, or chemical composition are mostly mercury, lead and a lot of preservatives, although the cover can be temporarily live stain, but a temporary solution, many women put their hopes in the endless beauty cosmetics, ignoring their own health. Chemicals can severely irritate skin, powder particles easily block pores, blocking the respiratory function of skin.

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