Thursday, February 4, 2010

Remember! The latest tips to help longevity

English proverb: "The reason people will die because he did not know how to live longer." Recently, the U.S. "Forbes" magazine summed up the last two years the medical profession relating to research, summed up the following longevity .

1. Do not sleep too long. Sleep for too long will reduce life expectancy. The study found that more than 8 hours of sleep per night than the average person much higher mortality rates. Studies have shown that people who sleep 6-7 hours, the most longevity.

2. Optimistic frame of mind. Well-known Mayo Clinic in the United States found that optimistic attitude chance of premature death than those who were less pessimistic 50%. There are study found that optimistic people with low blood pressure generally lower than the pessimists.

3. To enjoy sex. Experts believe that sex can help people reduce stress and get better rest, you can also lower blood pressure, so that people from the threat of stroke and heart disease. In addition, study found that frequent ejaculation can reduce the risk of men suffering from prostate cancer.

4. Pet. The researchers found that pet owners rarely see a doctor, but keep your pet's heart disease than those without pets of their survival in patients with higher than 12%. This is because pets can Bangzhu to reduce loneliness and depression and increase physical activity masters.

5. Calm. At every turn on the ignition of the people suffering from heart disease than those who are not easy to lose one's temper 3 times higher.

6. Meditation. Meditation to relieve the pressure on the ideal way to maintain physical and mental health. Studies have shown that the 15-minute meditation right to appease the soul better than 1 hour of deep sleep even be stronger.

7. Eat more antioxidant-containing foods. Anti-oxidants can remove excess free radicals in the human body, with prevention of arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and cancer effect. Antioxidant-rich foods are apricot, peach, mango, papaya, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potatoes, oranges, grapes, melons, tomatoes and so on.

Longevity also includes frequent laughing, science and deal with stress, lose weight, quit smoking, a balanced diet and exercise

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