Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Loin recipes


300 grams pork loin, 1 egg, water, starch 50 grams, 50 grams of soybean oil, peanut oil, 1,000 grams (actual consumption of 50 grams), large diced green onion 3 grams, raw ginger 2 grams, 15 grams of cooking wine, soy sauce, 5 grams sugar 100 grams , vinegar 75 grams, 15 grams of sesame oil, MSG 2 grams.

Cooking methods:

1 Wash the pork loin to fascia, cut into 4 cm long, 5 mm wide section, placed inside the bowl, add egg, water, starch, salt Stir well, sizing.

2, take a small bowl add salt, sugar, vinegar, rice wine, onion ginger at the end, water, starch, tune into a sweet and sour sauce.

3, Heat wok, add peanut oil, till the Bacheng heat, one by one into loin section, Explode teeth yellow, into the colander, Lek to oil, remaining oil into the tank.

4, the former Heat wok, add bean oil, and burning five into heat, into the sweet and sour sauce, labeled as thin qian, input section fillet, stir fry a few times, Linru sesame oil, pan, transfer to a plate, you can.

Features: golden yellow, outside the crisp, tender, sweet and sour taste.

Daphne burst loin pieces

Ingredients: loin

Accessories: parsley, onion, ginger, garlic

Seasoning: Salt, MSG, cooking wine, pepper, vinegar, sesame oil, meat tenderizer powder, starch

Cooking methods:

1, the loin cut into pieces, cleaned with water before adding meat tenderizer powder, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate Stir, add salt, water, starch, edible oil, mix well preserved a while back;

2, chopped coriander to take pole section, add onion, ginger, garlic slice, salt, MSG, cooking wine, pepper, vinegar and a little water, sit down oil pan ignition, the next Yanhao duplicating the color of the meat, it will duplicating the ingredients into uniform, pour sesame oil pan can be.

Features: fresh tasty, unique flavor.

Coke slip Chrysanthemum loin

Materials: a large piece of lean meat, ketchup, flour, salt, chicken, starch, white vinegar, sugar

Cooking methods:

1, the meat cut into small boxes into the refrigerator cold, almost frozen to hard when you take out.

2, the surface of the small square Cuts down from the knife cut crosswise, cut in the end but do not cut off, similar to the kind of cut chrysanthemum fish-cutting method. Here there are two key: knife faster, and second, the hardness of the meat just let you cut down but not too soft. A bowl mix with a good cut of meat on the cooking wine, salt, chicken marinate for 20 minutes.

3, fire pot, add oil about a pound or so. Small fires such as oil-heat time, will cut the meat beat the flour. Finished so that pork is a shaken loose, make another one so that all the flour touches the side of each pork.

4, the bottom of the meat up, pork down, put the pan fried. I am a first hand pinch the meat in the pan where the bottom of the shake look, so you can chrysanthemum in full bloom the (meat Elastic scatter). Wait a minute turn at the bottom of deep-fried. Then you can see a flower-shaped pork. A few minutes later deep-fried golden color change can be pan of.

5, deep-fried the 78 chrysanthemum, clean wok again later after all the bombing and then look at the second time, not fried too long, a minute or so on the list.

6, all of chrysanthemum open finished, wash the pan after the fire to do the juice. Heat, boil, add a bowl of water, then add ketchup, sugar, a bit of white vinegar. Adding starch boiled in water, thicken. The chrysanthemum brief look at the fillet into the sauce, you can pan.

Milk Braised Pork pie Wire

Ingredients: pancake

Accessories: rape, loin, breakfast milk

Seasoning: salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper

Cooking methods:

1, the fillet into strips, salt, water, starch, sizing, over-cooked fish out water Zhuo, rape, baked buns were wire back;

2, the breakfast milk into the pot and put it into cake silk, add pepper, salt, seasoning, boiled pork into the next, rape Luezhu, Canada MSG pan can be;

3, the white Luoboqiesi salt pickled, and then washed with water wash, add scallions, soy sauce, pepper oil, chili oil, vinegar, sugar, MSG, salt, Stir can be, with food shall be a wire cake nutrition早餐.

Features: milk fragrance rich, unique flavor.

Chun jelly eggs, beef

Ingredients: beef tenderloin Link

Accessories: Toona sinensis seedlings, water chestnut, egg, mushrooms

Seasoning: salt, MSG, sugar, pepper, cooking wine, vinegar, starch

Cooking methods:

1, the beef is sliced by adding eggs, salt, cooking wine, pepper, starch sizing, mushrooms, water chestnut pelletizing, take four eggs, broken up, add salt, cooking wine, Chinese toon seedlings, mushrooms tablets, water chestnut grain mix well spare;

2, pot amount of oil increases, the next slide into the beef, stir-fry until 8 mature fish out, pot amount of oil left, the next eight mature eggs, fry quickly into the beef, stir fry toon seedlings can even pan.

Features: golden in color, taste Huanen.

Bread beef tenderloin

Ingredients: beef tenderloin

Accessories: bread film, Horseshoe, North mushrooms

Seasoning: salt, MSG, sugar, tomato sauce, sesame oil

Cooking methods:

1, the beef fillet cut thin slices, add salt, salted water, starch, cut off the edge of the slice of bread, cut into pieces and reserve;

2, will face wrapped absorbed eggs, Jian Zhi golden pot out into the flat, pot by adding the oil, the next slide into the beef tenderloin fry five mature, the next entry Congjiang Suan, tomato sauce, a little water, sugar, salt, MSG, the next into the Horseshoe, North mushroom stir fry until cooked can be.

Features: delicious tasty, unique flavor.

Hongguo cucumber diced

Ingredients: loin

Accessories: red berries, cucumber

Seasoning: salt, MSG, sugar, cooking wine, sesame oil, pepper, water, starch

Cooking methods:

1, the fillet cut into Dinca salt, cooking wine, mischievous pink pickled, Hongguo seeded cuts, go to pith dicing cucumber, salt, cooking wine, pepper, MSG, sugar, water, starch, Cong Jiangsuan system reserve juice into a bowl;

2, sitting down pot ignition oil, cooked the diced into speeding, followed by adding Congjiang Suan, red berries, cucumber stir Linru bowl juice, stir fry pan can be uniform.

Features: colorful, crisp refreshing.

Pickled pork fried rice cake

Ingredients: rice cakes

Accessories: loin, Pickled Vegetable

Seasoning: salt, sugar, starch

Cooking methods:

1, the fillet into strips, salt, MSG, egg white mix, mince with pickled vegetables, Guo Zhuo hot water, rice cakes, after slicing off the soft boiled out back;

2, sitting down the oil pan ignition, the next onion ginger into the end of the end of speeding fragrant with pickled vegetables, add a little water, transferred to salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, into the causal slippery pork, stir fry evenly into the cake can be.

Features: taste Ruannuo, delicious taste buds.

罐焖 Beef

Ingredients: beef tenderloin Link

Accessories: Tricholoma, carrots, Tricholoma, onion, ginger

Seasoning: salt, MSG, sugar, soy sauce, pepper, cooking wine, tomato sauce

Cooking methods:

1, the hob-cut pieces of beef, cold water the pot add wine cook until boiling, then add carrots Luezhu remove and reserve;

2, sitting down the oil pan ignition, the next onion ginger stir-Xiang, the next into the tomato sauce stir well, add beef, carrots, cooked into the cooking wine, red amount of water, transferred to salt, pepper, sugar, small Huodun 20 minutes Join Tricholoma, water, starch, starch, transferred to soy sauce, take a jar and put it into a little wine will be poured into the cooked soup, pan-open into the steam 20-40 minutes.

Features: sweet and sour refreshing, delicious soft rotten.

Miyaho lamb

Ingredients: lamb loin

Accessories: walnut kernels, onions, ginger, garlic

Seasoning: salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, vinegar, diesel oil, water, starch, dried pepper, pepper

Cooking methods:

1, the lamb cut into small, add salt, MSG, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce grasp uniform, and gradually add water marked with enthusiasm, and then placed in water, starch, marinated for 15 minutes back;

2, the walnuts soaked with warm water after 1 hour and stripped of skin, over-fried to golden remove, and then too oily fried lamb color back;

3, Jiangsuan film by adding sugar, monosodium glutamate, pepper, cooking wine, vinegar, soy sauce, water, starch, a little clean water transferred into the feed juice, pot filling, the next dried peppers, pepper stir-incense, into the lamb, feed juice, onion the end of the walnut, can be splashed with red paint stir well.

Features: meat is tender, spicy delicious.

Hong Kong-style beef, slightly fries

Ingredients: fillet of beef

Accessories: mustard, bean sprouts, snow peas, celery, carrots, eggs

Seasoning: salt, MSG, sugar, soy sauce, cooking wine, oyster sauce

Cooking methods:

1, after the beef into strips salt, sugar, MSG, soy sauce, pickled for 15 minutes, then add a little water, egg white, dry starch, mix well sizing

2, pot add a little oil, the next entry to become soft bean sprouts stir-out, pot and then filling, stir-fried beef into the color back;

3, sit down oil pan ignition, the next into the ginger minced garlic, mustard speeding incense, followed by adding silk celery, carrots silk, beef, snow peas, bean sprouts, take
Transferred to a small bowl of salt, MSG, sugar, oyster sauce, water, starch, stir well seasoning mix can be poured into the pot.

Features: crisp refreshing, delicious full-bodied.

Ma Pepper Beef Slices

Ingredients: beef tenderloin

Accessories: onion, green peppers, shallot

Seasoning: Salt, MSG, cooking wine, pepper, soy sauce, meat tenderizer, pepper

Cooking methods:

1, the beef fillet cut into pieces, add meat tenderizer powder, cooking wine, salt, MSG, soy sauce, a little clean water whipping uniform, then add water, starch, edible oil, mix well preserved and a half hours standby;

2, will be scalded with boiling water after the soft pepper seeded and chopped spring onion leaves with the back;

3, sit down oil pan ignition, the next piece of beef fried color after adding chopped pepper and saute chopped onion, and then turn into the onions, green peppers, add soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, seasoned pan or cooking wine be.

Features: pepper flavor concentration, meat is tender.

Secret Sauce wire system for Beijing

Ingredients: loin

Accessories: green onions

Seasoning: salt, sugar, MSG, cooking wine, seafood sauce, oyster sauce, fermented flour paste, starch, meat tenderizer

Cooking methods:

1, the fillet cut wire, add salt, MSG, cooking wine mix, plus a small amount of water, meat tenderizer powder, water, starch, stir evenly into the oil reserve, after;

2, fermented flour paste to add fish sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, MSG, salt, stir evenly standby;

3, sit down pan ignition oil, fry the pork color after the fish out into the slip, pot stay in base oil, into the Ban Hao and pork stir-fry the sauce evenly on the pan can be placed in onion.

Characteristics: color, red sauce, Maotai rich.

Shanxi had meat on Rice Oil

Ingredients: pork tenderloin

Accessories: fungus, cucumber, onion, rice

Seasoning: salt, soy sauce, old vinegar, sesame oil, starch, wine, pepper

Cooking methods:

1, the sliced pork loin, after adding salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, cooking wine, eggs, starch sizing Stir standby;

2, sit down pot ignition oil, fry the meat color fish out into the slippery, pot stay in base oil, the next redeployment of a little soy sauce fried rice after the bulk load intraday bottom;

3, pot add a little oil, saute diced green onion, minced garlic after the cooking into the cooking wine, vinegar, soy sauce, add mushrooms, cucumber stir fry, transferred salt, monosodium glutamate, into the meat, hooked after a few qian Lin Ru sesame oil, points on the rice vinegar and stir well pan can be.

Features: Xianxiang slightly acidic, tender and delicious.

Home pot packages of meat  

Ingredients: pork tenderloin

Accessories: parsley, red pepper

Spices: onion, ginger, garlic, vinegar, sugar, cooking wine, starch

Cooking methods:

1, the fillet cut into large, add cooking wine, and salted system of tasty, parsley cut into segment red peppers, onions, ginger strips, garlic chopped;

2, starch paste, add water and vegetable oil labeled will be a good fillet marinated mix thoroughly with the starch paste, coriander, red chilli, sugar, cooking wine, garlic juice, tune into a bowl;

3, sitting vegetable oil into the pan get angry, will film a one hack into pieces fillet golden yellow, the salvage Drain the oil;

4, left bottom oil pan and put it into a good deep-fried fillet, cook a good bowl of juice into the tune, urgent fire stir-fry, mix well can be.

Features: crisp, dry fragrance, sweet and sour taste buds.

Emerald Sesame Tenderloin

Ingredients: loin

Accessories: spinach, sesame seeds, eggs, flour

Spices: pepper powder, salt, ginger, cooking wine, chicken, salt,

Cooking methods:

1 loin of change to spend a knife cut, add onion ginger, cooking wine, salt and marinated chicken;

2, spinach scalded with boiling water about squeezed water, add two eggs, with flour mill after being smashed into a paste;

3, loin slimy sticky sesame seeds into pieces and then the next golden lining on the emerald green can, and serve with salt and pepper when.

Features: MEAT AND VEGETARIAN reasonable, nutrition enriched.

Dried apricots Meat  

Ingredients: Pig-pass ridge

Accessories: Dried apricots, eggs,

Seasoning: salt, cooking wine, pepper, tomato sauce, lemon juice, starch

Cooking methods:

1, slice the pork, add cooking wine, pepper, salt, egg white, water, starch, marinated spare moment;

2, will be preserved golden good meat into pieces removed, pot stay in base oil, add tomato sauce Chao Chu fragrance, then add lemon juice, a little water, add meat, dried apricots, small fires stir-fry 5-6 minutes can be.

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