Saturday, February 20, 2010

Try the traditional Five Elements of drink dealcoholic France

Went to a dinner banquet of the peak, while the major hospitals liver Branch, Department of Gastroenterology drinking does not apply to the number of admissions began to rise, many of which patient is due to the old official was forced to drink sick.

Chinese medicine believes that many foods have "hangover" in effect, such as radish, banana, pear, grapefruit, tomato, peach, loquat, mulberry, Ge Hua, chrysanthemum, lentils, etc., may wish to refer to Chinese medicine, "Five Elements hangover side."

 Jin-type people

Physical characteristics: size relatively thin, straight nose and mouth width, lean limbs, skin color than white, breathing gently, mostly fall and winter capability, can not tolerate the spring and summer.

Dealcoholic side --- Honey Radish: White radish 250 grams, 100 grams of honey. Radish immediately fish out into the boiling water, dried, you can add honey and mix thoroughly. There is a wide plot of the middle and lower gas phlegm, hangover effect.

  Wooden people

Physical characteristics: pale, weak, physically weak, mostly capability spring, summer, autumn and winter can not be tolerated.

Dealcoholic side --- Ge Hua Chrysanthemum Honey: Ge Hua 3 grams, chrysanthemum, 3 grams, 10 grams of honey. To Ge Hua, chrysanthemum, and add appropriate amount of water, soak 5 minutes, add honey Serve. There is heat hangover, spleen and stomach effect.

  Water type of people

Physical characteristics: Comparison of fat body, abdomen large, waist-hip slightly afraid of winter warmth. Most capability autumn and winter, spring and summer can not be tolerated.

Dealcoholic side --- Alpinia porridge: Alpinia 20 grams, 100 grams of japonica rice. Alpinia cut into the filament, plus adequate water, boiling low heat 20 minutes, with Zhu Chengyu japonica. There are warm stomach cold-dispelling, warm in the antiemetic, digestion sobering effect.

  Fire-type person

Physical characteristics: Red skin, spine muscle generous, shoulders and back thigh abdominal symmetry, sexually desperate, most capability spring, summer, autumn and winter can not be tolerated.

Dealcoholic side --- Hovenia child Gehua drink: Hovenia sub-15 grams, Gehua 10 grams, 10 grams of honey. Hovenia sub-fire to boil, small heat and simmer 20 minutes, adding Gehua cook 5 minutes, there is the plot of hangover, wake up the effectiveness of the spleen and stomach.

  Soil-type people

Physical characteristics: skin yellow, shoulder and back fat, abdominal large, sturdy legs, mostly fall and winter capability, can not tolerate the spring and summer.

Dealcoholic side --- grasses Amomum lotus bean drink: grass fruit 2 grams, white beans 15 grams, Amomum villosum 2 grams, the leaves half a sheet. Into the casserole, the fire to boil, simmer low heat cook for 20 minutes to change, juice Serve. There dealcoholic digestion, line width expansion gas, and stomach antiemetic effect

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