Monday, February 22, 2010

Eggs in 22 kinds of food conditioning disease therapy

1, angelica 10 grams Jianshui placed two eggs, brown sugar 30 grams, after a month by eating once a rule women, blood deficiency,MenstruationOr physical weakness.

2, first son of 3 grams of alfalfa, smashed Jiantang about 15 minutes, and then enter the two boiled eggs, poached, serve hot soup eat eggs, treating a harbinger ofAbortion。

3, Ukraine 3 eggs, with vinegar, wine, stir each cup of brewed a cup, a two-clothes, governance postpartum (postpartum food) hemorrhage.

4, brown sugar water to cook eggs, food, rule post-partumDiarrhea。

5, 2 eggs, sugar 30 grams, and mix thoroughly with boiled water after, the treatment of chronic bronchitis.

6 eggs 1, pepper (7 Institute powder), a total of fried food, governance Deficiency stomach.

7, one or two eggs, cooked the Cuzhu, or liquor, or red eggs, fried eggs eaten, are cold diarrhea rule.

8, eggs, a redeployment of Baiji powder 3 grams every morning with boiled water, continuous take on the 10th, governingTuberculosisBloody sputum.

9, eggs, take a protein, transfer 5 grams boric acid powder into a paste, apply sterile gauze, the Fuyu burn Department, governing small area burns.

10, egg white tone tea oil (oil food), deposited the lesion, but also governance of small area burns.

11, egg yolk transfer white wine, honey into a paste and wrap the injured area, cure burns.

12, boiled eggs, Motherwort: Motherwort 30-60 grams, plus boiled half an hour, filtered dregs, and entering the food cooked eggs 2. There Tiaojing blood circulation, reduces swelling Lishui role. Apply to blood stasis, irregular menstruation, postpartum lochia forever, and dysfunctional uterine bleeding embolism.

13, fleece-flower root boiled egg: 60-100 grams of fleece-flower root, add boiled for half an hour until the syrup after cooling, add 2-3 eggs, cooked fish out stripped shell, and then placed in boiling Yaotang moment, eating eggs drink soup. Complemented liver and kidney, essence and blood, Yin black hair, anti-premature aging effect. Apply to blood deficiency in frail health,DizzinessVertigo, blood deficiencyConstipation(Constipation food) to refund the morning white,Spermatorrhea,Alopecia, Premature aging, women leucorrhea excessive embolism. This method is best suited to virtual patients without Warming the food.

14, medlar boiled egg: medlar 15-30 g (or 100-200 grams of fresh medlar leaves), red dates 5-10 gold, 2-3 eggs, with eggs cooked fish out. Stripped of eggshell, and then placed in Yaotang edible after cooking a while. Nourish liver and kidney, regulate and fortify the spleen and stomach, tonic labor, the role of beneficial blood. For dizzinessNeurasthenia, Heart palpitationsSleep loss, Weak blood deficiency, vision loss, chronic hepatitis embolism.

15 sugar, egg white soup: egg 2, 50 grams of sugar, and mix thoroughly with boiled water, twice daily to cure children withEpistaxis。

16, kelp plantago-ren bowl of soup: 30 grams kelp, clean-cut section, plantago-jen 30 grams, with Zhulan, three dozen eggs, leveling with lard fried, pour kelp plantago-jen soup, seasoning with salt consumption. Has a strong heart, blood circulation, dampness, soft Caine role. ForHypertension(Blood pressure, food),Rheumatic heart diseaseEmbolism. As well as cancer (cancer foods) patients with adjuvant therapy. Health (Health Food) who eat more illnesses and sickness.

17, Pepper leaves egg soup: two dozen eggs in uniform, with fried yellow, water bowl and a half into the wash of fresh pepper leaves 60-90 g with the soup, add salt seasoning food. There Qu-han, pain management, nourishing effect. For Deficiency of stomach pain, belching from time to time, mouth pale and tasteless, Xianmo many and Qingxi of Deficiency Syndrome.

18, Chinese Chrysanthemum protein soup: Wash 250 grams of fresh Chinese Chrysanthemum, soup, cooked eggs are added in three proteins, with oil, salt and seasoning food. Have raised heart, lungs, phlegm, eliminate the role of water valley. For high blood pressure confused, hot expectoration thick, sleep (sleep food) restlessness, eating Jizhi embolism.

19, tea boiled egg: 15 grams of green tea, egg 2, add water Tongzhu, eggs cooked stripped shell, and then boil water, dry food. There phlegm, relieving cough and asthma. For bronchitis, cough,AsthmaEmbolism.

20, Adenophora boiled egg: North Adenophora 30 grams, egg 2, add water Tongzhu, eggs cooked stripped of eggshell, and cook for half an hour, can add rock sugar or sugar seasoning food. There Yangyinqingfei, Reduce Pathogenic Fire Apart from thermal effects. Apply to tuberculosis cough, sputum with blood, Xuhuoshangsheng toothache, sore throat embolism.

21, 37 Ouzhi steamed eggs: 1 dozen eggs absorbed by adding 30 ml and 37 Ouzhi fresh powder 3 grams, plus a little sugar, seasonings steamed food. There is bleeding, pain, Sanyu role. ForUlcer bleeding, Duodenal ulcer bleeding, tuberculosisHemoptysisEmbolism.

22, Dan Hua Porridge: rice, 100 grams of porridge, cooked, eggs two dozen absorbed into the porridge, the fuel, salt, green onion seasoning food, there is the role of replenishing the five internal organs, is old and sick, children (children's food) , pregnant women (pregnant women, food) tonic Jiapin.

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