Monday, February 1, 2010

Baby will eat 10 kinds of disease-resistant food

Potato, including sweet potatoes, yams, potatoes, etc., can absorb moisture, fat, toxins and sugars, etc., and can be lubricated gut. Regular consumption of potato can reduce the baby's risk of dry eye occurred, but also to prevent constipation, reduce recurrence of colon and rectal cancer risk.
Sour milk protein and fat in milk is more digestible than the absorption of iron, calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements in a higher utilization rate, but also promote the appetite, increase digestive function, effectively suppress the propagation of intestinal bacteria. Thus, not only to enhance the yogurt adds to the growing resistance to disease, but also treatment of habitual constipation, indigestion infantile diarrhea and other illnesses.
Millet is rich in B vitamins, although the fat content low, but mostly unsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids are necessary for growth and development of nutrition. In particular, unsaturated fatty acids on the baby's brain development of great benefit.
Baby growth and development than large people need more vitamin A former, that is, carotene, carotene protect baby from infection, respiratory tract and promote the effectiveness of visual development, lack of vitamin A, Baby readily and frequently suffer from respiratory infections. The carrot contains a lot of vitamin A in the original. If you often diet to arrange some very beneficial to baby's health.
Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C, eat some may be led to a rich treasure intake of vitamin C, thereby enhancing the baby's resistance to disease and disease prevention and reduce the incidence of respiratory tract infection. When the baby's skin by excessive sun exposure or ultraviolet light burns, the eat some cooked tomatoes, can also help the skin quick fix. In addition, the brain development in great need of vitamin B1, vitamin B1 and the tomatoes are very rich in content, baby eat more tomatoes can promote brain development.
Mushrooms belong to categories of food bacteria, containing a variety of amino acids and a variety of enzymes, especially mushrooms contain lentinan, which can inhibit a variety of malignancies, including leukemia. Also, eat mushrooms or drinking mushroom soup can improve the body's immune function, are not susceptible to respiratory infections, but also purify the blood of toxins, helps the prevention of childhood leukemia.
Soy milk has unique nutritional value, not only rich in proteins required for growth and development of baby and also contains anti-bacterial substances, ideal for baby food. In addition, with the heat tonic, the therapeutic effect of Tonglin phlegm is an inexpensive tonic drinks.
Apple's nutritional value is very high, which can promote digestion and absorption of the acid, cellulose can promote bowel movements; pectin could stop mild diarrhea; the rich treasure of zinc will help to enhance immunity, therefore, give baby food Apple will prevent many diseases.
Bitter melon contain an active protein, can stimulate the immune system's defensive capabilities and enhance the vitality of immune cells, thereby enhancing the body's resistance to disease. In particular the sweltering heat of midsummer when the baby more easily than adults get angry, if you frequently eat bitter melon helps baby to eliminate heat, or to prevent heat stroke, gastroenteritis, pharyngitis, skin diseases such as Boil.
Black fungus soft hypertrophy, food but not too sweet, delicious and tasty, if the regular consumption can be gut out the toxins, purify baby stomach; can reduce blood viscosity, prevent heart disease. Today, a lot of baby weight, overweight, high blood lipids, from small to eat some black fungus on the future health of great benefit

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