Thursday, February 4, 2010

Must know: the prevention of influenza during the 13 will do

A wash their hands often bathing, do not share towels and toiletries.

With the correct method of hand-washing can be effective in preventing infection and spread of disease. Each person should cultivate the habit of washing hands frequently, especially before preparing food, before meals and after meals home. Use clean hands when soap and water flow.

Qin shampoo, hairdressing, diligence bathing, Huanyi, can promptly remove the hair, skin surface, pores of the sebum, dander and other metabolic products, as well as dust, bacteria; while also serving to maintain the skin regulate body temperature and other functions, to prevent skin inflammation, long ringworm. Shampoo, bath towels and towels must be clean, and do one pot of a towel, not sharing towels and toiletries, to prevent trachoma, acute epidemic conjunctivitis (commonly known as red eye), etc.-contact transmission of infectious diseases; also Do not share towels with others taking a bath to prevent infectious skin diseases and sexually transmitted diseases.

  2 a day brush your teeth, gargle after meals

Advocate a daily morning and evening brushing. If only brush once a day, should be selected before going to bed. Not less than three minutes each brushing. With the correct way to brush your teeth, do not share toothbrushes. Preferably every 3 months to replace a toothbrush.

To eat after going to the mouth in order to clear the mouth of food residues, to maintain oral health.

  3 coughing, sneezing, cover mouth and nose when you do not spit.

Tuberculosis, influenza, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, measles, respiratory infections and other pathogens can be with the disease cough, sneeze, speak loudly, spitting droplets generated into the air, spread to others. So do not spitting, coughing, sneezing, cover mouth and nose when you pay attention to. This is also the performance of today's society their educational attainments.

  4 is not smoking in public places, respect for the rights of non-smokers from passive smoking.

World Health Organization "Framework Convention on Tobacco Control," points out. Exposure to secondhand smoke (passive smoking) can cause illness, loss of function or death. Passive smoking does not exist the so-called "safe exposure" level. Only completely smoke-free environments can be truly effective in protecting non-smokers health. Every smoker can not quit when the smoking addiction, please do not in front of your family, friends and colleagues of smoking. Outdoor smoking please.

  5 less drinking, alcohol

Regular excessive drinking will lead to loss of appetite, reduced food intake, resulting in a variety of nutrient deficiencies, acute and chronic alcoholism, alcoholic fatty liver, etc. can also cause severe alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Excessive alcohol consumption will increase interest rates high blood pressure, stroke (stroke), etc. risk of the disease and can lead to an increase in traffic accidents and violence, to personal health and social stability are harmful. Alcohol should be prohibited. Where possible, use low alcohol wine, it is recommended the day of adult men in the amount of alcohol consumed alcohol less than 25 grams, adult females are not more than 15 grams. Pregnant women and children, young people should not be drinking.

Comprehensive consideration of excessive drinking to health damage and the amount of the possible health benefits of alcohol consumption, alcohol consumption should be to:

The best choice when the low-alcohol wine, such as beer, wine or rice wine, etc.;

If we should try to drink less alcohol;

Fasting is not drinking a certain amount of food intake can reduce the absorption of alcohol;

Do not urge somebody to drink;

At the same time change without drinking carbonated beverages, because alcohol can accelerate the absorption;

High blood lipids, hypertension, coronary heart disease and other patients should be drinking.

Pop the Cork does not develop the bad drinking habits or the heavy drinker.

  6 is no abuse of sedative-hypnotics and analgesic agent addictive drugs.

Prolonged or inappropriate to take sedative-hypnotic and analgesic drugs can be addictive. Drug addiction can be harmful to health, and in severe changes in people's state of mind, mood, consciousness and behavior, causing personality change and a variety of mental disorders, and even acute poisoning and death. Taking sedative-hypnotics, and analgesics and other addictive drugs must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, not be abused. Under normal circumstances, continuous taking sedative-hypnotics no more than 4 months.

  7 to drugs.

"Chinese people about their and the country's criminal law," referred to drugs, including opium, heroin, methamphetamine (ice), morphine, marijuana, cocaine, as well as national regulatory control over the other are able to make the formation of addiction addiction to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances

Drug addiction is very easy, some people only smoke a cigarette containing the drugs will be addictive. Drug addict as soon as possible.

Prevention of drug hazards, should be strict with himself, never experiment with drugs.

  8 use of sanitary latrines, manage human and animal feces.

Of sanitary latrines refers to the wall, there are top, toilet pit and storage septic tanks. No leakage, environmental sanitation, non-fly maggot, almost no smell, feces through the sound processing and promptly clean toilet.

Use of sanitary latrines, manage human and animal faeces, can prevent mosquito breeding and reduce intestinal infectious diseases and epidemic spread of some parasitic diseases.

Poultry, livestock manure to be handled properly.

  9 pay attention to water sanitation, pay attention to safety of drinking water.

Contaminated drinking water can spread diseases such as gastro-intestinal infections may also cause poisoning, the protection of health, pay attention to drinking water safety. To protect drinking water safety and health, we must first protect drinking water sources. Promoting the use of contaminated tap water must be purified or disinfected before they can be used as drinking water.

The use of drinking fountains should be cleaned on a regular basis.

  10 Regular Window Ventilation

Sunshine and fresh air is to maintain health, indispensable. The sun's ultraviolet rays, can kill a variety of pathogenic microorganisms. Let the sun into the room in the regular photos can be kept indoors dry, reduce bacteria, mold breeding opportunities. Acceptance of sunlight can improve the body's calcium absorption capacity.

Poorly ventilated room, will increase the bacteria, the virus spread in the indoor opportunities. Qin window ventilation, preferably in the early, middle and late and 1 times, each time 15-20 minutes. Window time 9:00 ~ 11:00 am or 2:00 ~ 4:00 is better.

Maintain the inside air circulation. To avoid breathing polluted, toxic air, and prevention of respiratory tract infectious diseases. Maintenance of health.

  11 cereal-based diet should be, eat vegetables, fruits and tubers, pay attention to Hunsu.

Cereal food is the main meal of traditional Chinese residents, is the basis for man's best food, but for the most economical energy source. With cereal-based diet can provide adequate energy, but also to avoid excessive intake of fat in the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer benefit. "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese residents," pointed out that the adult daily intake of 250-400 grams of grain to be food.

Fruits and vegetables are vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, plant an important source of chemical substances, sweet potato is rich in starch, dietary fiber and a variety of vitamins and minerals of vegetables, fruits and potato to protect health, ensure the normal function of intestinal , enhance immunity, reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and other chronic disease risk has an important role in a "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese residents," pointed out that adults eat 300 to 500 grams of vegetables, fruits, 200 ~ 400 grams.

Nutrients contained in various foods are not identical, each food at least would provide a nutritional substance, any kind of natural food in the human body can not provide all the necessary nutrition, diet composed of a variety of food in order to meet the body of kinds of nutritional needs, dacha grounds nutrition, promote health Shuai's.

  12 regularly consume dairy products, legumes and their products.

Dairy products, complete nutrition, nutritional composition of suitable, easy digestion and absorption, is a good source of dietary calcium. Yin Nai proposed 300 grams per person per day or an equivalent amount of dairy products, for high cholesterol and overweight obese tendencies should be selected reduce fat, low-fat, skim milk and its products.

Soybean nutrient-rich, and appropriate eat soybeans and their products can increase the quality of protein intake, excessive consumption of meat also prevent the adverse effects of the proposed intake per person per day 30 to 50 grams of soy or equivalent amount of soybean.

  13 Dietary salt should be light.

Excessive salt intake and consumption of edible oil is China's urban and rural residents co-exist to the meals and excessive salt intake is closely related to the prevalence of hypertension. Fat is an important source of human energy, but too much fat intake can increase the risk of obesity, high blood lipids, atherosclerosis and other chronic diseases. Should cultivate the habit of eating light salt diet, that diet should not be too greasy, not too much into, not too much intake of animal foods and fried, smoked, pickled food. Cooking oil per person per day recommended dosage of no more than 25 grams of salt intake is less than 6 grams (including soy sauce, pickles, sauce in salinity

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