Friday, February 26, 2010

Ten secrets of cancer prevention

According to foreign media reports, many people believe that cancer caused entirely by genes, is inevitable, but this view is wrong. The American Cancer Society says a healthy lifestyle can prevent and avoid the death of half of cancer patients.

Following is a recipe for the 10 cancer prevention:

1, non-smoking, non-use of nicotine products, if you are already trying to quit smoking, please do not
To give up, eventually you will achieve a certain effect;

2, on a regular basis to conduct cancer screening (colon, breast, prostate cancer, uterine cancer and skin cancer, etc.) and ask the doctor's age and physical inspection interval requirements. Early detection of cancer can increase the likelihood of a cure and reduce the risk of dying;

3, control alcohol consumption, which means that men no more than two bottles of beer a day and women no more than a bottle of beer a day. At the same time to ensure that the human body lowest daily consumption of alcohol does not mean that people can accumulate drinks a week, and then drink at night on weekends;

4, protect your skin from sun exposure. To use sunscreen every time go out, or wearing a wide-brimmed sun hat and sunglasses;

5, actively participated in physical exercise, you do not have to do physical training athlete needs to be done, but routine should always be brisk walking, cycling, dancing, and anything that can speed up the heart rate and sweat of the movement pattern;

6, based on height within the normal range for weight control, which means giving weight, in line with body mass index (BMI);

7, to avoid menopausal hormone therapy, if your body needs to intake of hormones, hormones must be limited intake of treatment in the five-year period;

8, that the need for drug treatment, it is best to consult doctor first, thus reducing the risk of cancer. At present there are several drugs have been tested can effectively reduce the risk of cancer;

9, to avoid exposure to carcinogens in the environment, radiation exposure, and some chemicals can cause cancer;

10, the daily eat certain foods prevent cancer. Food for the prevention of cancer has an important role, but the researchers suggest food fruits and vegetables can be effectively reduced disease risk of many types of cancer, especially colon cancer.

Specific dietary guidelines are: the average daily consumption of red meat no more than 4 ounces, and avoid eating sausages and smoked sausages and other processed meat, eat a variety of non starchy vegetables and fruits a day eat at least 5 times. Minimizing the consumption of sweet drinks, juices, desserts and candy, eat less refined bread, bagels (first post-baked leavened dough steamed circle), and fried potato chips.

In addition to fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, the whole grain, whole beans, is also the best source of fiber. Five fruits and vegetables every day is the daily intake of at least three servings of vegetables and two portions of fruit, but if you want to achieve a daily fiber intake of 25-30 kg the amount of five fruits and vegetables every day is not enough, we must get together to change the staple food to eat whole wheat bread , grains steamed bread, brown rice, rice and other grains would be sufficient.

Fat intake too much easier to promote breast cancer, it raises the incidence of colorectal cancer, in addition to animal fats and fried foods, the other, such as pastries, dim sum are hidden invisible grease trap is noteworthy.

Alcohol contains a number of carcinogenic substances in addition, the stimulus will induce the inflammatory reaction mucosa organization variation. Excessive drinking habits will lead to malnutrition, reduced immunity, and increase the cancer risk of opportunities

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