Sunday, February 28, 2010

Women have to be careful five special menstruation

The health of women of childbearing age, ovarian cyclical changes occur, there have been follicular development, maturation, discharge, accompanied by changes in hormone secretion. Endometrial regulation by sex hormones, but also the ensuing proliferation, loss and restoration of the cyclical changes in. When the shedding of endometrial bleeding, since the vagina out, it is called menstruation. Generally 28 to 30 days walking time, blood loss 50 ml or so, continuous 3 ~ 7 days. Regular menstruation is a necessary condition for fertility, indicating normal function of the reproductive system, is an important symbol of women's health. But in addition to normal menstruation, there are some special periods.


Women's fertility experienced a period of exuberant young adults, after starting the natural decline of ovarian function, reduced sex hormone secretion. To a certain limit, which do not occur in a cyclical endometrial shedding bleeding, there will be no periods. The last menstruation is called menopause. Post-menopausal women in our country, the average age of 49.5 years of age, 80% of people 44 to 54 years. Premenopausal women, tend to have a transition period. At this point irregular menstruation, and accompanied by some physiological and psychological changes, such as headache, fever, eyelid edema, breast pain, back pain, thirst, oral mucosa ulcers, emotional instability (manifested as irritability, stubbornness, or depression) , known as "premenstrual syndrome." In addition to the psychological state of their own adjustments, the doctor may be under the guidance of the appropriate estrogen treatment. Chinese medicine, disease and Kidney essence of this depletion, imbalance of yin and yang, qi and blood disharmony related to wheat try Gok Di Huang Tang. To avoid this transitional period of psychological and physiological changes, some Western countries, women have taken a method of artificial menstruation stopped, called the artificial menopause. The purposes of post-menopausal patients In theory this approach there must be harm to the body of women, there is currently a great debate of experts should be cautious attitude should be encouraged.

The health of women of childbearing age, ovarian cyclical changes occur, there have been follicular development, maturation, discharge, while accompanied by changes in hormone secretion. Endometrial regulation by sex hormones, but also the ensuing proliferation, loss and restoration of cyclical changes. When the shedding of endometrial bleeding, since the vagina out, it is called menstruation. Generally 28 to 30 days walking time, blood loss 50 ml or so, continuous 3 ~ 7 days. Regular menstruation is a necessary condition for fertility, indicating normal function of the reproductive system, is an important symbol of women's health.


The human reproductive system, after the birth of a long time in "sleep" state. With the growth and development, girls and early teen years old, there menstrual cramps. First visit to menstruation, medicine called "menarche." "Menarche" is a important sign of the arrival of female adolescence. Some girls period of time after menarche, menstrual cycle may not be the rules. The main reason is that the menstrual cycle regulatory function is not stable enough vulnerable to internal and external factors, such as physical, emotional, and the impacts of environmental change, should pay attention to psychological counseling and health care.

The health of women of childbearing age, ovarian cyclical changes occur, there have been follicular development, maturation, discharge, accompanied by changes in hormone secretion. Endometrial regulation by sex hormones, but also the ensuing proliferation, loss and restoration of cyclical changes. When the shedding of endometrial bleeding, since the vagina out, it is called menstruation. Generally 28 to 30 days walking time, blood loss 50 ml or so, continuous 3 ~ 7 days. Regular menstruation is a necessary condition for fertility, indicating normal function of the reproductive system, is an important symbol of women's health.

 Stimulated by the

After the cessation of ovarian pregnancy, ovulation, menstruation does not come back. But a very small number of women in early pregnancy, there is still the same as a small amount of menstrual vaginal bleeding, known as "shock upon." Traditional medicine think this phenomenon is caused by excessive blood. Modern medical studies suggest that this is the level of the hormone in the body. Women in early pregnancy, low levels of in vivo progesterone, the uterus is not perfect, resulting in the formation of decidual hemorrhage, which mistakenly considered to be "menstruation." This phenomenon does not exceed 4 months after pregnancy, the mother and fetus no adverse effects.

The health of women of childbearing age, ovarian cyclical changes occur, there have been follicular development, maturation, discharge, accompanied by changes in hormone secretion. Endometrial regulation by sex hormones, but also the ensuing proliferation, loss and restoration of cyclical changes. When the shedding of endometrial bleeding, since the vagina out, it is called menstruation. Generally 28 to 30 days walking time, blood loss 50 ml or so, continuous 3 ~ 7 days. Regular menstruation is a necessary condition for fertility, indicating normal function of the reproductive system, is an important symbol of women's health.

  After Dark

Individual women of childbearing age, although the cycle of ovarian and endometrial changes, but no blood flow, this situation called "After Dark." After Dark does not affect fertility. This situation is extremely rare, comprehensive inspection by the hospital specialist to determine.

18 years of age who had yet to come, said primary amenorrhea, menstruation; In addition to pregnancy, lactation and menopause, had come to menstruation, then stopped for more than 3 months, said secondary amenorrhea. Systemic diseases, environmental change, mental stimulation can affect ovarian function caused by amenorrhea. Some genital lesions or developmental abnormalities can also cause amenorrhea. For amenorrhea check as soon as possible, to identify reasons for timely treatment. Delays, the impact of treatment and can affect fertility. Adolescent amenorrhea First, pay attention to menstrual hygiene, warmth, reasonable arrangements for learning about life and the elimination of tension factors to improve nutritional status, in particular, is to stop the inappropriate weight loss. Pass can be used by, regulate endocrine, promote ovulation and other therapeutic measures. If does not work, can be used to restore artificial cycle of drugs.

The health of women of childbearing age, ovarian cyclical changes occur, there have been follicular development, maturation, discharge, accompanied by changes in hormone secretion. Endometrial regulation by sex hormones, but also the ensuing proliferation, loss and restoration of cyclical changes. When the shedding of endometrial bleeding, since the vagina out, it is called menstruation. Generally 28 to 30 days walking time, blood loss 50 ml or so, continuous 3 ~ 7 days. Regular menstruation is a necessary condition for fertility, indicating normal function of the reproductive system, is an important symbol of women's health.

  Inverted by

Some women, menstrual cramps every time when the mouth will appear in hemoptysis, nasal bleeding and even ear canal bleeding, conjunctival bleeding or blood in the stool. This is in medicine called "compensatory menstruation", commonly known as "inverted through." The reason the same as incomplete. Such as nasal bleeding, nasal septum is due before the bottom of a rich capillary network in particular, superficial and fragile, easily bleeding. Some of the nasal mucosa of the ovary sensitive to changes in estrogen levels, subject to its stimulation, occurred congestion, swelling, and even the same as the endometrium, when estrogen levels fall when they suddenly bleeding.

There's "down upon" is due to trauma, or curettage, caesarean section, hysterectomy surgery, endometrial shift to the lungs, pleura, gastrointestinal tract and subcutaneous tissue outside the uterus and other parts of the uterus and in situ subject to the same estrogen-regulated membrane occurred hyperplasia, loss, medically known as the "displacement of endometrial disease." When menstrual cramps, or bloody sputum or hemoptysis occurs, periodic hematuria, hematemesis, hematochezia, and subcutaneous bleeding, no bleeding after menopause. Happen "down upon" and should promptly go to hospital for treatment.

Medicine is called primary dysmenorrhea. Most occurred in 1 ~ 2 years after menarche. Menstrual pain first appeared in the previous 12 hours, passing through the first day of pain for 2 ~ 3 days to alleviate. With varying degrees of pain, mainly in the next abdomen, lumbosacral, and can radiate into the thigh, sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue and so on. Physical examination and equipment inspection without organic lesion. Analgesics can be used oral contraceptive treatment, psychological treatment is also important.

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