Saturday, December 12, 2009

Nine ways to improve fertility

Mom and Dad say that baby is a crystallization of love is love and love is totally integrated. How to birth a good healthy baby, how to create a set of you and him, all the high quality of genetic factors in new life? So, below you will need to thin看.

First, to restrict their use of caffeine.

  Many studies have shown that women more than a daily intake of 300 mg, reproductive capacity will drop. Fortunately, this figure is still relatively high, since each 8-ounce cup of coffee inside, only contain 100-130 milligrams of caffeine, so you can still drink double the coffee every morning. But do not forget, black tea, green tea, chocolate, and some drinks which will contain caffeine.

However, for those who try in vitro fertilization in women, the amount of caffeine consumed per day will be greatly reduced: only 50 mg per day, equivalent to twice the caffeine content of coffee or tea. Beyond this level, we can be caused by bad influence fertilization success.

Harvard Medical School specializing in female infertility assistant Alice suggested: If you find yourself pregnant difficulties, then they should limit their caffeine intake. Even though you are trying to use in vitro fertilization, but the small doses of caffeine may cause pregnancy failure wild. For example, pregnancy is a time limit. So, if you want to become pregnant, then immediately to try.

  Second, if you are overweight, the weight bar.

Seriously overweight pregnant women, the success rate would drop. Obesity will organize ovulation will destroy hormone secretion. At the same time, obesity may lead to a variety of health problems (for example: diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure), these diseases can also cause women's infertility, will also cause some complications during pregnancy. Number of morbid obesity in women, trying to type the success rate of fertility treatment is also smaller.

All these are due to hormonal imbalance caused by fat cells. Fat cells produce extra estrogen. If your body's fat cells the more estrogen with it. Therefore, overweight is equivalent to taking birth control pills.

The proportion of women's weight should be controlled at about 25, weight ratio of more than 34 on a number of more serious overweight, this will affect fertility. For example, a 5.4 feet tall woman weighing 200 pounds if belongs to overweight, it would seriously affect fertility. If you find that difficult to lose weight, it is best to participate in the activities of some groups to lose weight. Scientifically proven most effective weight loss methods.

In addition, you do not need to cut a lot of pounds. Scientific evidence, simply subtract 10-14 pounds, you do not need medical help, the success of a successful natural pregnancy.

  Third, if you are underweight, should be fattening.

A healthy body mass index is about 18.5 and 24.9. Even lower than 18.5 are underweight. For example, 5.4 feet tall and the women if it is only 105 pounds, body mass index is 18, so that is too light a weight. A little too light weight, will seriously affect women's fertility. When the weight of symptoms less than 18 when the decline in fertility will be vertical.

Underweight women, ovulation would be more difficult. Some may even complete cessation of menstruation. And some will menstrual disorders. But despite menstruation occurs, does not mean that you can conceive. Because this may not be ovulation menstrual periods.

Sometimes, excessive exercise, or track and field training will lead to women's weight, it would also lead to pregnancy difficulties. In this case, women only need exercise to reduce the amount of weight will naturally increase, fertility rates will increase.

Are also some weight is caused due to irregular diet. This situation needs to seek professional treatment.

However, increased body weight on women's realization of a simple re-ovulation is not enough. If you gain weight after the ovulation is still unsuccessful, you should seek medical treatment.

 Fourth, try acupuncture

In May 2006, "Fertility and Sterility" magazine published two articles on acupuncture led to a successful fertilization in vitro fertilization results. In one experiment inside, the women who received acupuncture had 2-fold increase in pregnancy success rate. In another experiment inside, acupuncture led to the success of in vitro fertilization pregnancy rate by 50%.

The researchers do not know why the birth of acupuncture would be effective. However, it was speculated that acupuncture on hormone levels, increasing blood flow to the uterus and ovaries have a positive effect. It was also proposed: Acupuncture can play a role in relaxation, it can alleviate the pressures caused by infertility, so that you can increase the pregnancy success rate.

Although it was suggested that acupuncture be helpful for the theory of birth, scientists still believe that the effectiveness of acupuncture remains to be verified.

 5 a day, 30-minute walk

Walking 30 minutes a day is a simple, inexpensive way of exercise. It can prevent diseases (such as: heart disease, diabetes, and infertility-related diseases, or a variety of pregnancy syndrome). In addition, regular exercise can maintain normal body weight, which increase the pregnancy success rate of hate for the important. Walking can increase the reproductive organs of the body fluid circulation, therefore, can increase fertility. Scientific evidence, the blood flow to the uterus fewer, will reduce the in vitro fertilization success rate.

Fertility expert Susan, said: "I have come across many of the couples sitting at a computer all day. Sedentary can cause genital blood circulation obstacles. Physical activity can help blood circulation of these organs."

Daily physical activity can also make people the spirit of vibration hair, relieve the stress of infertility.

 6, a good deal of frustration

Although many experts do not think that frustration may lead to infertility, but they thought that treatment of depression contribute to fertility.

And infertile women in the struggle is a common frustration thing, these women should try to include some post-secondary improved reproductive capacity groups. These groups will give infertile women who teach a way to relax or deal with stress. Harvard Medical School found that participated in the 10-week pregnant women in these courses success rates twice as high. Repression of women usually do not eat well, regular exercise, and take good care of themselves. This constitution will lead to their infertility.

 7, catering to balance the

In order to maximize the likelihood of success your pregnancy, you need a normal diet. You need to eat whole-grain foods, beans, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy oils, lean meat, freshwater fish and so on.

A healthy diet can make your normal body weight, and this birth is very important. In addition, a healthy diet can reduce the unhealthy fat production, and can prevent diabetes, heart disease.

In addition, in order to increase the success rate of pregnancy, you can eat something rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as: freshwater fish, flax products.

  8, and strictly control alcohol intake

Most of the book never fertility experts agree that one or two times a day the wine will not affect women's fertility, however, alcoholism is clearly in poor health.

Women should be drinking alcohol prior to pregnancy to quit this bad habit. In the course of pregnancy, but should be drinking. Should be alcohol may lead to miscarriage.

  9, quit smoking and refused to second-hand smoke

More than 100 investigations proved that the relationship between smoking and infertility, and the relationship between smoking and pregnancy. Smoking will destroy the egg, reducing the likelihood of success of ovulation pregnancy. Smoking can also affect hormone levels, which can lead to infertility.

A variety of issues will not be accepted as a successful pregnancy, smoking can lead to miscarriage, or a variety of pregnancy complications. Will be low birth weight babies of smokers.

While smoking will destroy the egg, but now began to quit smoking can help fertility. Quit smoking to avoid the continuous decline in egg quality, improve hormone levels, increasing the possibility of conceiving a healthy baby.

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