Sunday, December 6, 2009

Eat the most conducive to longevity of two bitter gourd

Okinawa, Japan, is a well-known longevity, the longevity is one of the local people eat bitter gourd, bitter gourd also drinking tea and bitter gourd juice. Japanese nutritionists studies have shown that bitter melon is a "comprehensive" nutritional value of the longevity of food, drinking tea and bitter gourd bitter gourd juice is most conducive to physical health eat.

Eat one: easily absorbed by the body of the bitter melon tea

Bitter gourd the prevention of heat stroke and Jieshu role in lowering blood sugar, or a very good food. Bitter melon flesh and seeds of the ingredients can promote the decomposition of sugar, inhibit the absorption of sugars.

Drink bitter melon tea is the most modern medical research confirmed the benefit of the body to absorb food approach can enable 80% of the nutrient composition bitter play, and the most easily absorbed nutrients.

  Tips: bitter gourd tea making method

1. The bitter gourd cut into 1 ~ 2 mm thin slice, using pan Fried, fried dried to moisture.

2. Bitter gourd fried dry brown. Let cool in a sealed jar in the fridge freezer save, save 2 months.

3. Hot water immersion of water. Drink 3 to 4 cups a day can be.

  Eat 2: Nutrition a more comprehensive bitter gourd juice

Bitter of vitamin C can prevent skin aging and to reduce blood cholesterol. However, vitamin C does not heat, heating and other nutritional value of bitter gourd though not destroyed, but would like to be able to prevent skin aging through the bitter and reduce cholesterol who consumed amounted to less than heating effects. Therefore, it pressed into the bitter gourd juice is the best choice.

  Tips: bitter gourd juice production methods:

1. With the rub will be bitter gourd SAA wire device, with filter net or gauze in the cup of tea out of bitter gourd juice.

2. Add half a glass of water, water can be adjusted freely.

3. If one is afraid so bitter, you can add lemon juice or applesauce, adjust taste.

Drink half a cup to 1 cup a day can be

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